Rathnure National School

Newsletter November/December 2024

General Information:

Enrolments: We are now taking enrolments for the 2025-26 academic year.  Enrolment forms are available on the school website or by contacting the school office. 

Wise Owls Afterschool:  Wise Owls will be setting up a service in the school commencing after the mid-term break in February 2025.  The service will operate from 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday during term time and from 8am-9am each morning if the demand exists for this session.  Please contact mandydunne32@gmail.com or 0871373617 for more information or to register your interest.

School Policies:

We have recently reviewed and updated our Relationship and Sexuality Education policy which is available to view on the school website.  We have also reviewed our SPHE policy which is available to view in the school office. 

School Committees:

Student Council- The student council endeavours to make positive changes to our school to make it a better place for everyone. This term we have been working on creating a new school slogan. Every individual in the school will have a direct involvement with the display of the slogan. We look forward to sharing it with you when it’s complete! 

Green Schools- Our Green Schools committee are continuing to collect any old batteries that you may have. We ask that you please continue to bring them in.

Well done to all those who contributed to the Christmas decoration recycling competition associated

with Killanne Development Group. A lot of hard work and creativity went into all creations.

Well done to all classes for keeping their classrooms clean and tidy on a daily basis.

Wellbeing Committee- The Wellbeing theme for November and December is ‘Give’. The Wellbeing Committee decided that for November’s Wellbeing Wednesday, they would like to give their time and knowledge to their Buddy Class and teach them some playground games. It was a huge success and pupils really enjoyed their time together. 

We are looking forward to Wellbeing Week, 16th – 20th December, with lots of fun activities planned including a visit from Amanda from Yama Kids Yoga. 

Hope Shoebox Appeal-Many thanks to all who donated a shoebox to the appeal.  In total, 83 shoeboxes were collected and are on the way to children affected by poverty in less developed countries.


Gaelic Football- Our Fun Junior and Senior Football Leagues will be coming to an end before the Christmas break.  A big thank you to all the pupils who took part and especially to the senior pupils who took responsibility for managing teams and referring matches.

Mini 7’s Football- Congratulations to the Boys’ Mini 7’s Football team and their manager Mr. Wright who made it to the semi-final stage of the competition.  The boys had a great run during the tournament displaying some excellent skills and teamwork.  Well done boys!

Curriculum Information:

Gymnastics- Aspire Gymnastics will deliver a six week block of gymnastics lessons for all pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class starting after Christmas.  More details will follow on Aladdin.

Parents Association:

Readathon- We had a great response to our Readathon this year and thank you to all who took part or made a donation.  A total of €2690.50 was raised!!!

Christmas Concert- The Parents’ Association will be holding a raffle on both nights of the Christmas Concert.  Be sure to get your tickets to be in with a chance to win!

Dates for your diary

  • Monday 16th December- School Christmas Concert at 6:30pm (Night 1)
  • Wednesday 18th December- School Christmas Concert at 6:30pm (Night 2)
  • Friday 20th December- School closes for the Christmas break at 12pm
  • Saturday 17th May 2025- First Holy Communion

X: Please follow us on @RathnureNS and the individual teacher  pages below. 

Junior InfantsMs. Úna Haydenuhaydenrns@gmail.com@MsHaydenRNS
Senior InfantsMs. Susan Staffordsstaffordrns@gmail.com@MsStaffordRNS
First ClassMs. Lisa Murphy & Ms. Rachel Bradley1stclassteacherrns@gmail.com@MrsMurphyRNS
Second ClassMs. Eimear O’Connoreoconnorrns@gmail.com@MsOConnorRNS
Third ClassMs. Michelle Doylemdoylerns@gmail.com@mdoylerns
Fourth ClassMs. Ciara Banvillecbanvillerns@gmail.com@MsBanvilleRNS
Fifth ClassMs. Róisín Murphyramurphyrns@gmail.com@MsMurphyRNS
Sixth ClassMr. Dean Wrightdwrightrns@gmail.com@Mr_WrightRNS
SENMs. Sinéad Doylesdoylerns@gmail.com@MsDoyleRNS
SENMs. Leanne Horelhorerns@gmail.com@lhorerns
PrincipalMs. Alice Keoghakeoghrns@gmail.com@MrsKeoghRNS
SecretaryMs. Clodagh McDonaldinfo@rathnurens.ie