Rathnure National School
Newsletter January/February 2025
General Information:
Welcome: We welcome our new pupil Artem who has joined 4th class and we welcome back returning pupils Joan in 4th class and Mag in 2nd class along with Noel who has joined Junior Infants.
Enrolments: We are now taking enrolments for the 2025-26 academic year. Enrolment forms are available on the school website or by contacting the school office.
Special Class: We will be opening a Special Class for Autism in September 2025. We are currently taking enrolments for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Wise Owls Afterschool: Wise Owls will be setting up a service in the school commencing after the mid-term break in February 2025. The service will operate from 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday during term time and from 8am-9am each morning if the demand exists for this session. Please contact mandydunne32@gmail.com or 0871373617 for more information or to register your interest.
WOW Fundraiser– On Friday 31st January, we will participate in WOW (Wear Our Wellies) Fundraiser for Embrace FARM, who support farming families following bereavement or serious injury.
School Committees:
Student Council- We are thrilled to share a colourful new addition to our school hall made by the creativity and teamwork of our entire school community! The Student Council has been working hard on a new slogan for the notice board, and it’s finally up and on display.
Each child in the school contributed to the project by colouring in a letter “U” that forms part of the larger message. It’s a wonderful example of how even the smallest contributions come together to create something meaningful and vibrant. The result is a beautiful, eye-catching display that celebrates our unity, creativity, and school spirit.
A huge thank you to the Student Council for their vision, and to all the students who added their artistic touch to make this project.
Green Schools– Green Schools committee are continuing to collect any old batteries that you may have. We ask that you please continue to bring them as we could be in with a chance to win a cash
prize for our school organised by WEEE Ireland. Bord na Móna Upcycling Competition is back again this year. Any student who is willing to partake should please submit their entry to Mrs Morris before the 7th of March.
Wellbeing Committee- The wellbeing theme for January and February is ‘Keep Learning’. The Wellbeing Committee decided that we would try skipping for Wellbeing Wednesday. We used skipping tutorials from the Coaching Corner of the website www.skipnrope.com. This allowed classes to work on skills appropriate to their age and ability. Pupils really enjoyed it. No doubt skipping ropes might be pulled out for practice!
Hurling League- Over 100 pupils are taking part in our Lunchtime Hurling Leagues. A big thank you to 6th class pupils who are the referees and managers of the younger leagues.
Rackard League- Boys training takes place every Wednesday 3pm-4pm. Details for girls training to follow on Aladdin.
Curriculum Information:
Gymnastics- Gymnastics lessons for all pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class are currently taking place with Aspire Gymnastics Club.
BLAST Art Programme- 3rd& 4th classes are taking part in BLAST Art Programme with artist Sonia Weston.
Credit Union Quiz- Best of luck to Danny Quigley, Dean Zielinski, Úna Doolan, Kyle Donohoe, Millie Quigley, Kate O Neill and Aisling & Niamh Ní Niadh who will all represent our school in the Credit Union Schools Quiz on the 9th of February. Go n-éirí and t-adh libh!
Scór na bPáistí – On Friday 31st January we are excited to cheer on all the students who will be showcasing their talents in singing, music, and drama! Whether you’re hitting the right notes, playing an instrument, or delivering an unforgettable performance, we know you’ve put in so much effort and dedication to get to this stage. Good luck, and break a leg! We know you’ll do amazing!
Parents Association:
Christmas Concert- Thanks to all who donated money and bought raffle tickets at the Christmas Concerts, both nights were a great success and raised a fantastic €3,255. Thanks to all involved.
Clothes Collection- A clothes collection to raise money for Blackstairs Community First Responders raised a total of €465. Thanks to all who donated to this worthy cause.
Dates for your diary
- Friday 31st January – WOW (Wear Our Wellies) Fundraiser & Scór na bPáistí in the John Kelly Hall
- Monday 3rd February – Bank Holiday
- Monday 10th February – School Photos; more details to follow on Aladdin
- Tuesday 4th March – First Penance @7pm
- Saturday 17th May 2025- First Holy Communion @11am
X: Please follow us on @RathnureNS and the individual teacher pages below.
Class | Teacher | ||
Junior Infants | Ms. Úna Hayden | uhaydenrns@gmail.com | @MsHaydenRNS |
Senior Infants | Ms. Susan Stafford | sstaffordrns@gmail.com | @MsStaffordRNS |
First Class | Ms. Lisa Murphy & Ms. Rachel Bradley | 1stclassteacherrns@gmail.com | @MrsMurphyRNS |
Second Class | Ms. Eimear O’Connor | eoconnorrns@gmail.com | @MsOConnorRNS |
Third Class | Ms. Michelle Doyle | mdoylerns@gmail.com | @mdoylerns |
Fourth Class | Ms. Ciara Banville | cbanvillerns@gmail.com | @MsBanvilleRNS |
Fifth Class | Ms. Róisín Murphy | ramurphyrns@gmail.com | @MsMurphyRNS |
Sixth Class | Mr. Dean Wright | dwrightrns@gmail.com | @Mr_WrightRNS |
SEN | Ms. Sinéad Doyle | sdoylerns@gmail.com | @MsDoyleRNS |
SEN | Ms. Leanne Hore | lhorerns@gmail.com | @lhorerns |
Principal | Ms. Alice Keogh | akeoghrns@gmail.com | @MrsKeoghRNS |
Secretary | Ms. Clodagh McDonald | info@rathnurens.ie |