Rathnure is steeped in sporting tradition, down through history. Here in Rathnure N.S. we have created our own history in recent years. The school Rackard League teams have won various GAA honours, most recently making history to be the only school to win four mini 7\’s titles back to back.
The teachers run lunchtime leagues in hurling, football and soccer. There is an excellent club/school link in Rathnure which helps to nurture and develop the pupils interests and talents from a young age.
Enniscorthy Rugby Club visit our school for periods during the year to provide tag rugby sessions to the older classes (4th/5th/6th).
Every year the school enters the Rackard League Athletics . Students first must qualify from school heats, and then go onto represent us in Enniscorthy Sports Hub. We have had success in recent years with a number of individuals and teams taking home medals from the event.
Rathnure N.S. completes the aquatics strand of physical education in The Apex Leisure Centre New Ross. Students from 1st to 6th class take swimming lessons for 6 – 8 weeks where they learn a lifelong skill.
All pupils in the school take part in a block of gymnastics lessons every second year, provided by an external specialist. Pupils in 6th class get the opportunity to take part in the Cycle Right cycling skills programme.
For more sporting information visit the Active Flag section of the website.