Green Schools
We have been working on the Green-Schools Programme for the past ten years and have attained six green flags to date for – Litter and Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity and Global Citizenship.
Each week we collect stamps, batteries, mobile phones and ink cartridges for recycling.
We participate annually in either Wexford County Council’s Christmas Recycling Decoration Competition or the local Killanne Development Recycled Christmas Decoraton Competition.
A water butt has been erected to harvest rainwater which is used to water flowers and fruit and vegetables in the polytunnel.
We encourage the school community to use green ways to travel whenever possible – walking, cycling, park n’ stride and carpooling. Senior classes participate in cycling lessons to promote safe cycling on the roads.
For the biodiversity theme we have participated in the pollinator project and have been busy planting insect friendly plants, flowers and bulbs. We also have built a bug hotel and erected bird houses, created a wild area, made a wormery and are taking part in the Great Plant Hunt.